Matthew’s Story

Meet Matthew Ellsworth shaking hands with his hero Sidney Crosbie. Matthew is a Montreal Shriners Hospital for Children patient from Goose Bay, sponsored by the Mazol Shrine of Newfoundland and Labrador. Recently, while Matthew was at the hospital, his parents, grandfather and the staff at the Shriners Hospital, along with the Pittsburgh Penguins staff and the Canadians Foundation, made it possible for Matthew and other Shriners Hospital children, to attend a hockey game and meet Sidney Crosbie. At the Habs game they got to sit in the Canadiens Foundation Box with a great view of the game.Mazol Shriner Patient Matthew Ellsworth

Matthew was accompanied by his grandfather and they both saw their dreams come true by attending an NHL hockey game for the first time and topping it off with personally meeting Sidney Crosbie. Sidney Crosbie was very gracious.

IMG_1240Matthew is 15 years old. He has Hereditary Sensory Autonomic Neuropathy. This condition affects his muscle mass, his circulation and his nerve endings. Matthew was a Tim Horton’s hockey player but has had to hang up his skates. He has enjoyed riding bike and swimming but due to his medical condition these activities have been curtailed. He has been having reconstructive surgery since 2013.

Matthew is the most well rounded positive teenager there is. One of his wishes was to meet Sidney Crosby. Thanks to those that love him dearly and the help of many others noted above, dreams can come true. A special thank you to Emmanuelle Rondeau of the Shriners Hospital for children and the Shriners of Newfoundland and Labrador for making this possible.

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